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FLOS Stakeholders MOU Signing

After the successful Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signing of the 5-year Front-Line Operation System (FLOS) Project on February 22, 2024, between ATR Japan, CVISNET, and DOST-7, another MOU signing involving FLOS stakeholders took place during...

BYTE Project

The “Building Youth through Technology Empowerment” or the “Project BYTE” is another initiative by CVISNET that aims on providing free training to the Out-of-the-School-Youth (OSY) in ICT such as System Admin in Linux and Networking among others...


Partnership Agreement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Better Access and Connectivity Activity (USAID BEACON's Activity) and Central Visayas Information Sharing Network Foundation Inc. (CVISNET)

The Partnership Agreement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Better Access and Connectivity Activity (USAID BEACON's Activity) and Central Visayas Information Sharing Network Foundation Inc. (CVISNET) has officially been signed by Mr. John Garrity the Chief of Party of USAID - BEACON and Engr. Roberto Cabarrubias the President of CVISNET....

Smart Community Roadshow

The successful conduct of the Smart Community Roadshow held February 23, 2023 at DOST7 Conference Room S&T Complex Sudlon Lahug Cebu City. The event is in collaboration with the Department of Science and Technology Region 7 and it aims to present, encourage and direct the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Solutions and as well..