Partnership Agreement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Better Access and Connectivity Activity (USAID BEACON’s Activity) and Central Visayas Information Sharing Network Foundation Inc. (CVISNET)
The Partnership Agreement of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Better Access and Connectivity Activity (USAID BEACON's Activity) and Central Visayas Information Sharing Network Foundation Inc. (CVISNET) has officially been signed by Mr. John Garrity the Chief of Party of USAID - BEACON and Engr. Roberto Cabarrubias the President of CVISNET.
USAID’s BEACON Activity and CVISNET share the same goal of helping close the digital divide in the Philippines.
CVISNET Foundation Inc is looking forward in implementing projects with USAID - BEACON to support the common goals in the expansion of affordable internet service to unserved, underserved, and geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas through the propagation of the existing community networks.
CVISNET is indeed grateful for this opportunity to be able to serve better and stronger. Dreams do come true!